Sunday, October 23, 2011

Baby Daddy Blog

This blog is going to be slightly different from the usual. This blog is coming from the fathers point of view. So everyone who thought Jess was a good blogger just wait till you read my (Mark) blogging skills. I will start out by saying thanks to everyone who has congratulated us, sent us a card, supported Jess, and for all of you reading our blog.

We recently went to the doctors for the monthly check up, it was pretty routine. We got to hear Baby Huss's heartbeat, even though this time it wasn't so easy for the nurse to find Baby Huss's heartbeat because Baby Huss was moving all over the place. It is funny because when I picture babies in a womb I picture them in one of these....
If in fact Baby Huss is in one of these, we can be 100% sure it will be an astronaut. The rest of the doctors visit was normal, doctor asks us if we have any questions, Jess asks questions about iron, and if her gummy vitamins are good enough. Luckily enough, Jess's gummy vitamins are getting the job done. Not once does anyone ask me how I am doing or if I have any questions. I got a laundry list of questions that needs to be discussed. Just kidding, the doctor addresses both of us and Jess does a great job of including me.

Jess insists that I talk about how big Baby Huss is and other statistical information about the babies progress. Here it is folks, the moment you have all been waiting for....what fruit is Baby Huss the size of now......Baby Huss is the size of an.....AVOCADO!!!!! Jess is currently in week 16, Baby Huss is 4 1/2 inches long (Head to Rump) and  Baby Huss weighs a staggering 3 1/2 ounces (still in the lighweight division). Stay tuned for next months reveal....Boy or Girl?????? Which basically just means do we buy a Blue and Gold or a Pink Sabres jersey.
Jess is coming along just great, she thinks that she isn't showing as much because she has more room in her body because she doesn't have a colon anymore...and apparently she could be right because the doctor agreed with her. Crazy, I know. Now is the time that I am supposed to talk about how I feel with this whole situation and how I am coming along. I also am showing a little bit more, unfortunately I do not have the luxury of not having a colon and having more room. We have been eating a little bit more unhealthy (compared to the ridiculosuly healthy eating of south beach diet) and a little bit more frequently, and of course I am going to take advantage of this. Just yesterday we were picking out ice cream and I was trying to sway Jess to the one I wanted. So what, I am taking advantage of the situation...don't judge, you would do the same.

On the emotional side I feel as if I am doing well, it still is a little bit unreal but more and more each day I get a little bit more excited and nervous. I think that once we know the sex of Baby Huss it will get a lot more interesting; picking out a name, colors for a room, do we want themes or different designs and all the accessories we will need to start picking out as well. Dealing with Jess's emotions are a different story, she does have some minor mood swings, nothing extreme, except when I was trying to influence her about that ice cream, she yelled at me and punched me in the my face. Of course I am kidding, that didn't really happen, like I said everything has been pretty minor. We are our usual selfs around each other, we often make fun of each other and push each others buttons but in a healthy and controlled way. I think all in all the last 16 weeks has gone by great and I couldn't be happier.

I hope you all enjoyed this blog and my point of view, we have to go take Beckham for a walk now. Be sure to catch next months blog, it will reveal the sex of Baby Huss and will be written by Milo and Beckham, yes that is right the cat and dog have a point of view on this whole thing as well.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Growing into the second trimester

I'm officially in my 13th week... and headed into the second trimester! I can't believe we're already 1/3 of the way there! Some days it feels like its flying by and other days it feels like April is years away. We just had our 10 week check up and things all looked great! I had a lot of blood work and actually had a glucose test too since diabetes runs in my family. I had just started to get a cold that day and was eager for it to go away so I decided to drink alot of orange juice throughout the day (I drank about 30 oz), however I forgot that I had my glucose test that afternoon....oopsie! I was sure I was going to fail, however as luck would have it... I passed! YAY! We also got to hear the baby's heartbeat again at this appointment and it is definitely a strong lil Huss. At this point our lil Huss is almost 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce. Some websites reference that to be about the size of a medium shrimp, a nutter butter, or a peach....I'm going with peach...I like the fruit comparison (Sorry Mom and Dad, an eggplant isn't until week 25-28!) We couldn't be happier to know that everything is on track and Baby Huss is healthy! I'm still feeling great, however lately my nose has been working overtime...the other day I was smelling some delicious fresh baked cookies as we were driving and tried to get Mark to go on an instant search for them... but he wasn't going for it, he just laughed at me! better luck next time I guess.

So far we haven't purchased anything for the baby, we were waiting until we found out the sex and until we were a little closer. However, we did just get our first official baby gift! Thanks to my Aunt Barb who made Baby Huss a beautiful blanket that we are sure he/she will love!

As I mentioned in my last post, Mark and I have begun to notice a bit of a baby bump. Its more noticable when I'm not wearing a shirt, however I will not be posting pics of that..sorry! My clothes are still fitting however I have to admit that my old "Fat" pants (aka 1 size larger than my normal size) are more comfortable right now than my normal pants... I guess I better get used to that! We did finally take our first picture of me with my 13 week bump....I have to say I feel MUCH larger than this picture shows!! Some days more than others, but you can judge for yourself.

Lastly, we've made it truly official now... we've released the flood gates and announced it openly to all that we are having a Baby Huss! It feels great to have the news out and we feel truly blessed with all of the sweet congratulations we have recieved! Thanks to you all! xoxo